Enrico Carisch
Director and Managing Director
Member of the Board of Directors, Secretary and Treasurer
Enrico Carisch co-implemented on behalf of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden the development of the Best Practices Guide for Chairs and Members of UN Sanctions Committees (2020) that followed the High Level Review of UN sanctions, and the Assessment of Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities resulting from the Recommendations of the HLR Compendium. He has co-developed UN system-wide sanctions training programs sponsored by Canada and other states and international organizations. He co-authored “The Evolution of UN Sanctions: From a Tool of Warfare to a Tool of Peace, Security and Human Rights.
Carisch served the United Nations Security Council as a financial and natural resources sanctions monitor prior to co-founding CCSI. He continues to lead and conduct research and capacity-building projects in conflict-affected regions, and frequently authors and co-authors implementation manuals for non-proliferation sanctions, sanctions implementation studies, books and articles. He currently leads sanctions implementation trainings for governments and industries around the world.
Selected publications
Carisch Enrico; 聯合國對北韓制裁實施手冊 - 2019 年 3 月
Carisch Enrico, Mwongozo wa Utekelezaji wa Vikwazo vya Umoja wa Mataifa vilivyowekewa Korea Kaskazini - Machi 2019
Carisch, Enrico; Manual de implementação para sanções da ONU na Coreia do Norte - Março de 2019
Carisch, Enrico; Manuel d’application des sanctions des Nations Unies contre la Corée du Nord – Les défis qui confrontent les États Africains francophones; January 2019;
Carisch, Enrico; በሰሜን ኮሪያ ላይ የተጣሉ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ማዕቀቦች ትግበራ መመሪያ መጽሐፍ - የአፍሪካ አገሮችን የሚገጥሙ ተግዳሮቶች - መስከረም 2018
Carisch, Enrico, Implementation Handbook for UN Sanctions on North Korea – The Challenges faced by African States, November 2018 (Amharic, English and Swahili)
Carisch, Enrico, Rickard-Martin, Loraine, Meister Shawna; The Evolution of UN Sanctions: Form a Tool of Warfare to a Tool of Peace, Security and Human Rights; Springer; November 2017
Carisch, Enrico and Rickard-Martin, Loraine; United Nations Non-Proliferation Regimes on Iran and DPRK Regime; CCSI Publishing (ISBN-13: 978-0996926331); November 2015.
Carisch, Enrico; Congo’s Golden Web - The people, companies and countries that profit from the illegal trade in Congolese gold; Southern African Resource Watch, Johannesburg – South Africa; November 2014. Carisch, Enrico and Rickard-Martin, Loraine; United Nations Sanctions on Iran and North Korea: An Implementation Manual; International Peace Institute, New York – USA; March 2014
Carisch Enrico;;= The High Cost of Congolese Gold – Poverty, Abuse and the Collapse of Family and Community Structures; Southern African Resource Watch, Johannesburg – South Africa; 2013
Carisch, Enrico and Rickard-Martin, Loraine; Sanctions and the Effort to Globalize Natural Resources Governance; Friedrich Ebert Foundation, New York – USA; 2013
Carisch, Enrico; Conflict Gold to Criminal Gold – The New Face of Artisanal Gold Mining in Congo; Southern African Resource Watch; Johannesburg – South Africa; 2012
Carisch, Enrico; Institutional Responses to 9/11 in Terrornomics edited by David Gold, and Sean S Costigan, Ashgate Publishing Limited, London - UK (ISBN-13: 978-0754649953); 2007