Board Member and Senior Expert Trainer on Iran and international Terrorism
Dr. Schindler is the Senior Director of the Counter Extremism Project, co-chair of the Advisory Board of the Global Diplomatic Forum (GDF) in London and teaching fellow at the Academy for Security in the Economy (ASW Akademie AG) in Essen, Germany. Between 2013 and 2018 he served as the Coordinator and Expert of the ISIL (Da’esh)/ Al -Qaida/Taliban Sanctions Monitoring Team as mandated by the United Nations Security Council. From 2011 and 2013 he worked as Program Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) in London (UK) and as Associate Partner for Political Risk at West Sands, London (UK). Prior to these engagements, Mr. Schindler served as First Secretary for Political Affairs and Liaison Officer to the Security Forces at the Germany Embassy in Tehran (Iran) between 2005 and 2011 and held other positions with the Federal Government of Germany related to conflict analysis and counter-terrorism since 2001. He has extensive experience in crisis management and in advisory roles to senior government and corporations, specifically on enhancing security policies, practices and implementation strategies for the UN and the German government. Having studied in Tübingen (Germany), Georgetown (Washington, D.C.), Tel Aviv (Israel) and St Andrews (UK), he holds a Master’s and a PhD Degree from St Andrews University focused on international terrorism.
Selected Publications
Modernisierung der Terrorismusfinanzierung. Herausforderungen für die Industrie, in: Christian Vogt, Patrick Hennies, Christian Endreß, Patrick Peters (eds): Wirtschaftsschutz in der Praxis. Herausforderungen an die Sicherheit im Zeitalter von Digitalisierung und Krise, VS Verlag 2021 (forthcoming)
Terrorismusfinanzierung, in: Joachim Krause, Liane Rothenberger, Jannis Jost, Kira Frankenthal (eds): Interdisziplinäre Terrorismusforschung – Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis, Nomos, 2021 (forthcoming)
Challenging Interfaces in Monitoring and Enforcing UN Counter-Terrorism Sanctions, in: Sasha Lohmann, Judith Vorrath(eds): International Sanctions. Improving Implementation through Better Interface Management. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politk (SWP), Working Paper2021 (forthcoming)
Misuse of online services for the financing of terrorism, Counter IED Report, Spring/Summer 2021 (forthcoming)
New Technologies: The Emerging Terrorist Financing Risk, ACAMS Today Europe, Vol. 2 No. 1, June 2020
Financing of Terrorism and Social Media Platforms, CEP Policy Paper, April 2020
Terrorism and the Tech-industry, in: Berlin Risk (ed), Global Risk Affairs, May 2019
Terrorist Financing Must be Next Frontier for European Legislators, Our World, January 2019