Enrico Carisch

Enrico Carisch

CCSI Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors, Secretary and Treasurer

Enrico Carisch served the Security Council as a financial and natural resources sanctions monitor prior to co-establishing CCSI. Mr. Carisch is currently implementing on behalf of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden the development of Best Practices Guide for principle UN sanctions implementation actors. He also initiated and co-organized the High Level Review of UN sanctions, as well as on behalf of Australia the follow-on Assessment of Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities resulting from the Recommendations of the HLR Compendium. He has co-developed UN system-wide sanctions training programs sponsored by Canada and other Stares and international organizations, has authored and co-authored implementation manuals for non-proliferation sanctions, sanctions implementation studies, books and articles and currently leads sanctions implementation trainings for governments and industries around the world. He continues to lead and conduct research and capacity building projects in conflict-affected regions.